Twenty Six and Counting

Today Marshall and I celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary. You know how holidays and special days go — some rate higher than others.  For example, for our 20th Anniversary we flew to England where we stayed  in a beautiful hotel and explored the city of York.  Now that was pretty awesome and quite frankly it’s pretty hard to top.  But I have to tell you that today’s celebration was pretty special even in comparison to that.  We didn’t leave the country or even the city for that matter.   What made today really special was the fact that a little over six weeks ago I wasn’t sure that Marshall was going to be alive to see it.  Its one of the best anniversaries I’ve ever had I guess because I am so grateful that we are together and once again we can plan our future together. And to top it off, I got to spend the whole day with the man I love, along with being served breakfast in bed and finding a dozen long stemmed roses on my table. It was wonderful!

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  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! That is so exciting, and truly such a miracle to be together. So happy for you guys. Miss you…